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1.On non-cooperative games with restricted domains of activities. Acta Math. Sinica 11(1961), 47-62 (in Chinese); translated as Chinese Math. 2(1962), 54-76. Russian version in Beskonec. Anagonist. Igry, 1963, 459-488.
2.Essential equilibrium points of $n$-person non-cooperative games(with Jiang Jia-he), Sci.Sinica, 12 (1962) 1307-1322.
3.Algebraic varieties with dual rational dissections. (in Chinese) Shuxue Jinzhan 8(1965), 402-409.
4.The Chern characteristic classes on an algebraic variety. (in Chinese) Shuxue Jinzhan 8(1965), 395-401.
5.Chern classes on algebraic varieties with arbitrary singularities, in Several Complex Variables, Birkhausser Boston, Mass., (1984) 247-249.
6.On Chern numbers of algebraic varieties with arbitrary sigularities, Acta Math. Sinica, New Ser., 3, (1987) 227-238.
7.Layout problems in printed circuits and intergrated circuits (in Chinese), Appendix in Chinese version of [3], 213-261. 1979
8.The layout problem of printed circuits and integrated circuits, Appendix to A theory of imbedding, immersion and isotopy of polytopes in a Euclidean space, (1977) 213-261 (in Chinese).
9.A mathematical problem in the design of integrated circuits, Math. in Practice and Theory, (1973) 20-40. (in Chinese).
10.Planar imbedding of linear graphs, Kexue Tongbao, (1973) 226-228. (in Chinese).
11.On the planar imbedding of linear graphs I, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 5(1985), 290-302.
12.On the planar imbedding of linear graphs II, J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis., 6(1986), 23-3
1.混合计算, (《21世纪100个交叉科学难题》)。
2.解方程今与昔,(《科学与中国》 2004, p.16-19)。
3.探索与实践-我的科学研究历程, (《科学的力量》2004, p.11-19)。
4.计算机时代的东方数学 (《世纪机遇》, 中国科学家人文论坛演讲录,路甬祥, 郑必坚编, 2004, p.181-194)。
5.计算机时代的脑力劳动机械化与科学技术现代化, (《人工智能及其应用》第三版, 2004, p.5-10)。
6.创新科研秉烛育人, 民族复兴建立功勋(《科学新闻》2004-18,p.4)。
7.纪念邓小平同志诞辰100周年(《春天长在丰碑永存》2004,p.140-143, 科学技术出版社)
8.推动数学界人才成长, (《随中国科技腾飞》, 2004, p.36)
9.《数学的魅力》序(《数学的魅力I》, 2004)

1.Sur les espaces fibrés et les variétés feuilletées, Actualités Sci. Ind., No. 1183=Publ. Inst. Math. Univ. Strasbourg 11, Hermann & Cie, Paris (1952).
2.Some applications of mechanics in geometry, (in Chinese), Chinese Youth Press, 1962.
3.A theory of imbedding, immersion, and isotopy of polytopes in a euclidean spacd. Science Press, Beijing (1965). Chinese version with an Appendix: The layout problem of printed circuits and integrated circuits, Science Press, Beijing, (1978).
4."Nine Chapters in Arithmetic" and Liu Hui, (in Chinese, ed.), Beijing Normal University Press, Beijing, 1981.
5.Proceedings of the 1980 Beijing symposium on differential geometry and differential equations(co-editor with S. S. Chern), Science Press, Beijing, 1982.
6.Basic principles of mechanical theorem proving in geometries (Part on elementary geometries), (in Chinese, ed.), Science Press, Beijing (1984). English translation by D. M. Wang et al, Springer (1994).
7.On triangles with two equal bisectors, (in Chinese, ed. with X.L. Lü), People's Education Press, Beijing (1985).
8.Sellected works of Wu Wen-tsün, (in Chinese, ed.), Shandong science and Technology Press, Jinan, 1987.
9.Rational homotopy type --- A constructive study via the theory of the I*-measure, Lect. Notes in Math., No. 1264, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1987).
10.Historical studies on ``Mathematical Treatise in Nine-Chapters (Shu-Shu-Jiu-Zhang)'' (in Chinese, ed.), Beijing Normal University Press, Beijing, 1987.
11.New developments of today mathematics --- a collection of articles on Liu Hui seminar of mathematics (in Chinese, ed.), Anhui Science and Technology Press, Hefei, 1988.
12.Chinese Mathematics onto the 21st Century, (Ed. with Cheng Min-de), Peking University Press, Beijing, 1991.
13.Computer Mathematics, (Proc. Special Program at Nankai Inst. of Math. in Tianjin 1991, Ed. with Hu Guoding), World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.
14.Proc. 1992 International Workshop on Mathematics Mechanization in Beijing, (Ed. with Cheng Min-de), Intern. Acad. Publishers, Beijing, 1992.
15.Studies on Liu Hui, (in Chinese, ed. with Bai Shangshu, Li Di and Shen Kangshen), Shanxi People's Education Press and Nine-Chapters Press, 1993.
16.Wu Wentsün on Mathematics Mechanization, (in Chinese), Shangdong Education Press, Shangdong, 1996.
17.Mathematics Mechanization: Mechanical Geometry Theorem-Proving, Mechanical Geometry Problem-Solving and Polynomial Equations-Solving. Springer Netherlands, 2001

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